practice live for free

How about your intention of the day just naturally comes to you every morning. This intention sets the whole theme of your day, this theme flows through your day. And then day by day, intention by intention your life naturally unfolds into a life you wouldn’t have otherwise dreamed of. I guide you through receiving the right intention every day from a divine source. Let’s starting practicing and changing our lives together now.


you can expect

You can expect to get the best start into your day. A calming meditation and visualization that slowly brings you into the day and simultaneously you can receive your intention of the day, may it be to be looking at everything from above, changing your perspective, feeling love or letting go. But to be honest: anything can happen, you can possibly receive anything in the theta field, that I will guide you into. Everything there will be sent to you from the divine source, the only question is: are you able to receive and interpret it? Well you will never know, if you don’t try. So these morning sessions are there for trying, that’s why they are for free. I want you to experience the magic first hand, and every morning there is one lucky person that I will channel the intention of the day for. So be part of it and maybe next time you are the lucky one.

– for the courageous, bold and lucky ones
– for everyone who wants to have a fabulous and magical start into the day
– for all of us who want to have a guiding theme and force – for the day, thats keeps us focused and softly determined to lead the life of our dreams
– for you, if you wish to set an intention everyday, not out of your ego-based mind, but from your intuition with the help of the divine

Facts & FAQ

when? Sunday, the 8th and 15th of May 2022

at what time? we start at 9:30 AM (be punctual!)

how long? ca. 25-30 min

how does it work? You receive a zoom link after your free sign up and then you can start setting your intention and receiving it together with me

for free*
(*for a short period only)


my hot tip for you:
If you have trouble receiving any of the intentions yourself, try the intention setting masterclass where I will be sharing all my secrets to juice up that connection to the divine!

What others say

“Es ist sehr schön so den Tonus für den Tag zu setzen, der mich in mehreren Momente am Tag begleitet. Mein Tipp für dich, schreibe dir deine Intention auf einen Zettel & verbinde dich jederzeit wieder damit. Wie eine kleine Insel am Tag!” – Petra

“Das praktische Üben der Verbindung zu sich selbst und etwas Höherem, und das JEDEN Tag über einen längeren Zeitraum zu machen, ist wunderschön. So kann ich auch immer zur selben Uhrzeit den Tagesrhythmus starten. Dadurch wird es eine Gewohnheit und noch kraftvoller.” – Bea

“Ich habe das Gefühl, dass die Intention mich mehr und mehr den Tag lang begleitet und mich auch den Tag über stützt. Ein schönes Gefühl von in mir ruhen. Durch das Intention Setting kann ich meine bisherige Morgenroutine ergänzen und komplementiert.” – Sandra

I want to set my intention live for free

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