How your miscarriage has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with the souls own decision making ability

How do I know this to be true? I had a miscarriage on my own and I lengthly talked to my spiritual mentor about it (she is a fantastic theta healer) and I also happened to talk to the soul that decided to leave early, but will come back*.

This might sound really crazy to you, but I will honestly write about all my experiences, because I know that a lot of women will be out there going through the same experience as me and asking themselves a lot of questions, and really not a lot of people out there are brave enough to talk about it. I am willing to give you answers to the questions you have, as I had the same questions and luckily someone in my life that is so spiritually advanced to have helped me with the answers that look beyond what modern medicine is saying. Yes medicine will tell you that this happens to I don’t know 10% of the women, but you will still be asking yourself why me, what’s wrong with me and so on.

Here are some answers to that.

First of all, all souls that are incarnating right now are masters. These masters are all coming now, because we are standing in front of a big decision if the earth as we know it will survive or not. Masters incarnate now, because they are able to change the fate of the world. Sounds a bit apocalyptic, but just stay with me on this now. What does this mean to you and your miscarriage now. Well masters from the 5th plane don’t have to incarnate again, they are so advanced souls that they don’t need to come back to earth to learn everything again, but they come back now to help save the earth. As they are so highly evolved, they have a very strong and high vibration. This vibration is often times too high for a normal human body, it would explode. So now this high vibration comes into that tiny fetus, and then also hears a lot of drama, and negative words outside of the belly and starts rethinking, “am I really ready to go on this planet”?! The soul will also be able to sense the frequency of the earth, and its low vibrations. So when the energy match is just too much apart, the soul might rethink and leave the body again.

BUT that doesn’t mean that the soul will not return. Well you see, the soul has its own free will, every soul has, and it can decide to come to this earth and choose you as a parent, but it can also decide to leave again always. Don’t be too harsh on the soul, yes you can and you should be sad and grieve, but also try to give the soul a good feeling so he or she wants to come back and try again.

I know this might sound weird, but try to make contact with this soul, communicate with it. He or she will answer at some point. I already have a strong connection with it. Magically the soul even started talking to me before we conceived, the soul said, “are you ready, because I am coming now”. I wanted to argue with it and said,:” can you give us some more time?”. But they don’t argue, they follow their free will, if we wanted or not, she was coming. And that really happened a few weeks after. I thought to myself, wow, this shit you are doing really works, what you are hearing is the truth. That’s why I was maybe even more devastated when the soul decided to leave again.

A few weeks after the miscarriage, I managed to talk to her again (I know she will incarnate as a she this time, because she told me). We already decided on a name together, which I will not reveal either yet. But what I wanted to tell you is that she finally told me that she wasn’t ready yet, and when she noticed she decided to leave again. I gave her a good feeling and told her that we are ready for her, anytime she decides to come back again. That made me feel very good. You know my spiritual teacher told me that the same soul comes back, so don’t worry he or she will come back, when he/she is ready.

*Update (I wrote this blog article on the 1st of March 2022 and now, one year later, in March 2023 I am please to announce that I am 6 months pregnant with her again 🙏🏻) 

In the meantime use your time in a valuable way and make sure that you try to become the person you would love to have as a mum. Make sure you look at you “old shit”, and trauma and resolve as much as possible, because we directly shift everything onto our own kids. When you heal your own trauma, and also traumas from generations up until 7 generations backwards, you will also automatically heal 7 generations forward (according to ThetaHealing®). Take this time now, it’s valuable to heal yourself. It doesn’t matter how you do it really, but I can definitely recommend to use ThetaHealing®. For me it’s the most effective healing there is. Hit me up on any questions you are still having with this regard (& check out this blog article about ThetaHealing).

Next time around you are pregnant make sure you expose yourself to as much love and positivity (especially positive thoughts) around you as you can. The little soul will still feel the vibration of the earth and it’s negativity, but you can make sure to give him or her as much comfort as you can by nourishing yourself as much as you can.

Ah and one more thing: do not tell anyone. I know there is this rule of thumb to not tell anyone until 3 month, I always thought that this is bullshit, why not tell everyone when you are happy. Well there is also a spiritual reason for that, or let’s rather say a reason, because of a thing called manifestation. When you tell someone and he or she might think afterwards, “oh my god, how are they supposed to handle a baby on top of everything else…”. Then, even without them wanting this to happen, they initiate a negative manifestation and the soul in your body hears/feels that and might decide to leave early, when it is not that “established” yet. After at least 3 month the fetus and the soul is quite ready to stay (in some cases the soul decides to even leave after that, but beforehand it’s just much more vulnerable and actually the soul doesn’t really properly enter the body until week 10!), before week 10 it’s “only” a cell pile. However you are seeing it. Keep it to yourself first and make sure only positive manifestations enter you fetus’ soul.

And then with all of this in mind, let it go. Surrender and learn to trust again, in yourself, in the connection and in the soul. My suggestions and experiences are just one way how to deal with such a loss, and it might not be appealing to you at all. I just hope it makes you feel a little less like ‘a failure’ and much more as a part of a big web in which you are playing one part, and especially the soul is playing also another big part!

I am very happy if I could have helped you. Please don’t make this about yourself!

Always stay connected,
Yours Jasmin

Do you want me to help you talk to the little soul
(either if she is currently in your womb or not, if she has left you – for now – or has not showed up yet)?
Please find all available SOUL COMMUNICATION calls with me here!

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