Are you aware of the connection to yourself? Have you been aware of your breathing today? One of my most powerful tools is to hold still in the midst of a stressful moment and breathe into my belly. So I can feel the connection to myself and to something deeper inside of me. Do you want to feel your mind-body connection? I recorded a video for you with a wonderful practice – you will feel better after this, I promise.
In this online practice you will learn the fundamentals of AYURVEDIC BREATHWORK – I support you in 5 mini modules with a combination of theory & practice. Learn how to integrate more PRANA – more life force into your daily life. And just feel and experience yourself.
The practice teaching video & audio material is recorded in German.
4 MODULE • online • in deinem Tempo
Die Elemente der Natur sind kraftvoll. Sie können uns den Weg zu uns selbst zeigen und uns auf einen inneren Spaziergang mitnehmen. Hast du Lust die Bilder, die Gerüche und das Gefühl auf der Haut von diesem Spaziergang kennenzulernen? Jedes Element ist so individuell und hat seine eigene Eigenschaft. Die Elemente walten in der Natur und in uns. In dem wir sie besser kennenlernen, können wir sie auch leichter ausgleichen. Gib dich der Kraft der Natur hin und lerne für dich einen Weg kennen, wie du in dein Gleichgewicht kommst.
Bist du dabei?
GET TO KNOW YOUR BODY I So we have this wonder called body, sometimes we have a good relationship with it. Sometimes not so much. Well, I know that feeling. Having had troubles with accepting my body as it is, unsatisfying breathing patterns, no idea about how thoughts manifest themselves in our bodies. I came a long way and I am ready to accompany YOU on your way to get to know your body, to fall in love with your wonder, your temple.
There are so many ways to work with the body, mind and soul – I found my way through yoga, breathing, visualization, bodywork. Your body is showing you what it needs, where the path should go – are you ready to listen? Let me be your partner in finding the home in yourself that you are longing for. Let me be your companion one this journey.
Schedule a get-to-know call, free of charge. We will see if WE fit working together.
If there is a YES on both sides, there will be an individual concept for you, built on what you need.
Mostly the tools will be individualized breathing sessions, embodiment, bodywork, releasing emotion & thought patterns which are blocking you, if needed also kognitive work in form of personality, desires, motives etc.
© 2025 Prana Up GmbH