Dein Blog für mehr Lebensenergie

AYURVEDIC BREATHWORK Die kraftvolle Kombination aus der jahrtausendalten Erfahrungswissenschaft Ayurveda & modernen Tools des Breathworks Verbinde dich mit deiner Atmung und kreiere dadurch Lebensenergie – PRANA. Doch was bedeutet überhaupt Atmung? Wie atme ich gesund und individuell für mein System? Welche Tools braucht mein System, um im Gleichgewicht und im

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CONNECT THROUGH YOUR BREATH Verbinde dich mit deinem Atem & erfahre neue LebensenergieSehnst du dich nach wahrer, tiefer Verbindung zu dir selbst? Probierst du immer wieder viele Dinge aus, wie du diese Verbindung zu dir stärken kannst? Häufig probieren wir viele für uns extreme Dinge aus, um uns zu spüren:

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How do I know this to be true? I had a miscarriage on my own and I lengthly talked to my spiritual mentor about it (she is a fantastic theta healer) and I also happened to talk to the soul that decided to leave early, but will come back.

This might sound really crazy to you, but I will honestly write about all my experiences, because I know that a lot of women will be out there going through the same experience as me and asking themselves a lot of questions, and really not a lot of people out there are brave enough to talk about it. I am willing to give you answers to the questions you have, as I had the same questions and luckily someone in my life that is so spiritually advanced to have helped me with the answers that look beyond what modern medicine is saying. Yes medicine will tell you that this happens to I don’t know 10% of the women, but you are still be asking yourself why me, what’s wrong with me and so on.

Here are some answers to that.

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ThetaHealing® hat mein Leben verändert. Es begann vor knapp 2 Jahren mit der fixen Idee herauszufinden ob ich wirklich eine Prinzessin in einem anderen Leben war, davon war ich nämlich schon immer überzeugt (& voilá dies ist auch der Fall gewesen!).

Dieser Fakt war aber am Ende garnicht so wichtig, denn es ging vielmehr darum, dass ich durch meine Neugier ins ThetaHealing eingestiegen bin und dann ging’s „down the rabbit hole“ und ab in eine andere Welt. In eine Welt voller Magie, in eine Welt in der man abtauchen kann in die eigenen verqueren Muster und Glaubenssätze, auf eine Art und Weise die sie nicht so schlimm machen.

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Why 5 days alone with myself without any distraction were the best days of my life so far. Well maybe after my proposal on our adventure holiday in Patagonia and my magical wedding day on Crete, but seriously right after that come those 5 days of silence, inner peace and solitude. I spend 5 days in a small apartment without going out, with no phone or laptop. No music, no books, no other distraction. Just myself and well my journal and this iPad, which functions as my extended journal and my source for a timer for meditations on my own as well as guided meditations.

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Do you know that feeling that sometimes you are really stuck and have no idea what your next step should be or what the answer to a question you are having is? Well why not ask the cards next time?

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Everyone of us has an imagination of his/her dream life. But in our everyday life most of the time our dreams have to make space for a lot of To Do’s, for appointments and also for too many doubts. Imagine you had a tool that would bring the focus of your whole day to a higher level. A tool to trust yourself and to connect to your inner voice. Find out why setting an intention every day is the key for that.

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There is more than just the things that you see in your daily life. We are all connected to something higher – to the divine. The divine is a source of infinite energy and wisdom that you can use for you. To live the best and happiest life you can. Why it is so important to use this connection, I will tell you in this article.

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We all have pain from time to time, we might go to the doctor or not to find out what it is. Very often there is no explanation and you might feel unheard and misunderstood and still having the pain. Here is how I dealt with and healed a pain that was with me for over 4 years now!

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