prana up your life

2 sisters from Hamburg, with the heart in the world.

We wrote so many ABOUT US parts, but this is different, because people change, we change, every second in this beautiful wild life. We, Jasmin and Josephine are two women who are getting up every moment to make a difference. We started our business PRANA UP YOUR LIFE with ayurvedic health coaching, but what we really did was collecting experiences, we are the trial and error – kind of people. And what can we say – WE LOVE IT! Even if it’s not easy, we are still here, in favor of PRANA to serve this beautiful world. Why we do it and who we are as individuals you can read here:



Spiritual Lifestyle Guide
Cert. Theta Healing Practitioner
Ayurveda Coach

I have always asked a lot of questions, a question I can still remember in my early childhood was: where does the sky end and what is after that, and then what comes after that, what comes after the universe and so on. No one could give me an answer that I was satisfied with. So first I stopped asking anymore and started a real life, finished school, studied IB, worked in a big forklift company and realized at some point through a lot of pain: this is not me, I am here to do more, I am here to find answers to my unusual questions I used to ask. I first found balance for my body’s issues like allergies, asthma and food intolerances through Ayurveda, mindfulness and mindful eating and I also started teaching and coaching in this area. My sister Josephine and I build up ‘Prana up your life’ in this holistic lifestyle. But the bigger questions remained. One of them: what is the purpose of life and what is the purpose of every human being here on earth. I am exploring this now with the help of a divine connection I have finally found, or let’s better say: remembered.

My purpose

So my purpose is bringing you into a connection with the divine.

Why? Because I want you to experience the magic, the freedom and the possibility of asking and getting an answer to every single question you might have. Finally I wish for you to find out your own purpose in this world and shine it right out there by being your most authentic loving self. The first step for all of this is fueling up that connection to something higher, the divine, the creator / creatrix of all that is, I don’t care how you name it/him/her, but get that connection going and you will find your path. I can promise you that with all my heart!

How I work

Strengthening your intuition, building up a strong connection with the divine, knowing how to manifest correctly and learning to read the signs. Sounds crazy? Well, if you want to find your true purpose in life you need to go the crazy path, otherwise you will end up in someone else’s path and that is clearly not your unique purpose.

Stay connected,



Movement & Breathwork Coach
200h Yoga Teacher
Mindfulness, Ayurveda & Psychology Specialist

I found my connection through the asana practice of yoga and the synchronisation through the breath. What an incredible moment to move, to feel and be. All at the same time. But I could only find this connection on the yoga mat, so I was more than happy to have found the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Jasmin and I made this our core business: bringing Ayurveda & mindfulness to everyday life. Years of experience in coaching, creating many online courses and supporting more than 500 women on their way to more PRANA – more life-force and joy in their own life, brought me to this point, where I purely enjoy bringing people in a feeling. A feeling which is needed, and this could be happiness, energy or more calmness and relaxation.

My purpose

My purpose here in this life is to bring this deep PRANA to you, so that you can shine in this world. This means accept what there is, we can not change the outer world, we can just change the way we perceive it.

How I work

• breathwork
• meditation & visualisation
• yoga practice
• ayurveda
• coaching

Looking forward to meeting you and our upcoming experience together.

© 2025 Prana Up GmbH