1:1 I 35 min reading

Bring light into the chaos and find out the highest truth.

Du hast eine Frage oder du bist irgendwo stecken geblieben (finanziell, gesundheitlich, Job- oder beziehungstechnisch o.ä.) oder ein Event hat dich so richtig umgehauen (physisch, mental oder emotional) und du weißt momentan nicht weiter?

Du willst/musst eine Entscheidung treffen, aber weißt nicht wie bzw. was die richtige Entscheidung für alle Beteiligten und allen voran Dich ist?


the break-through reading works

I can guide you. Ich ‚befrage‘ das universelle Wissen und präsentiere dir die höchste Wahrheit, die ich in der Lage bin zu empfangen. Klingt spooky? Ist es auch, aber nur ein wenig, denn ich zeige dir die Antwort, die du eh tief drinnen schon kennst.

Find out the highest truth & break-through.

Was machen wir in der Session? Ich verbinde mich & frage für dich: warum bist du in dieser Situation? Was darfst du lernen? Und ganz wichtig: was hilft dir jetzt als Nächstes.

Reading investment: 111€; 35 Minuten; via Zoom


1:1 I monthly mentoring

Would you like to be guided on your path? Find and release fears, start trusting in your own connection with the divine and practice together with me, so afterwards you will go ahead on your own.

I work individually and very intuitively. Let us get to know each other and find out what is necessary for you in a free get-to-know call, in which I will give you a reading on top on what is important for you right now, and how or if I can help you on your journey. Can’t wait to meet you, beautiful soul!

Investment: from 1.111 € per month; via Zoom


Grundausbildung I 4 flexible module

With ThetaHealing® you can dive deep into your soul and connect to the universal wisdom.

How? By diving into the training, consisting of 4 modules, which you can book & attend step-by-step one after the other (or all in one go).

Tap into the magic of a connection & communication with the highest energy existing. The energy of unconditional love, of the highest truth, of universal wisdom.
You can learn to connect to this source, to the divine, to the creator: for guidance, for healing, for healing yourself and others. This is what we do when coming into a theta brainwave state, and MUCH MUCH more.

Listen to the depth, streng, versatility and get to the know the whole universe of this healing modality in the upcoming video.


1:1 I 1 hour reading

P U R P O S E I You have no idea what your purpose is and you want to have a direction, or you already have an idea, but want to make sure you are on the right path? Let’s explore together, ask the divine, the cards and your intuition. I guide you through this highly intuitive 1:1 session with help from the universe, so you can find out what is already as a message hidden inside of you.

My purpose is to help others find their real purpose in life. And I promise you finding your purpose will make you wake up with a clarity you have never experienced in your life before. Are you up for the adventure?

Investment: 188€; 1 hour; via Zoom


1:1 I 1,5 hours ThetaHealing®

U N B L O C K I You have tried so many ways to manifest, to get your dream life going, to find your life partner, to solve problems that keep coming back to you, there is that one thing which is still not working out in your life? Well, it might just be one limiting belief sentence, or set of sentences that you just cannot get rid of, no matter what! Guess what?! With ThetaHealing® I will make sure to release this blocking theme for you, so your life can get back on track. Healing is the new vegan.

Investment: 222€; 1,5 hours; via Zoom


1:1 I 1 hour reading

S O U L C O M M U N I C A T I O N I there is a soul out there in the universe and you want to talk to it, or deliver a message? No problem, I help you connect to the soul you want to talk to or get information about, if it is an ancestor or a baby you have lost during a miscarriage. I have gone through the latter myself, and I am able to talk to this soul, which helped me a lot in understanding and in my healing process.

Investment: 188€; 1 hour; via Zoom

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